A propos du produit
Life-safe Fiberglass ladders have many benefits like, Since man evaluated modern means of life centuries ago, he established tools of comfort to enjoy safe living on earth with the passage of time his desires and needs increased, thus resources expanded and every day activities jumped from land to the heights of sky. To raise himself from ground level to upwards one of the simplest tool since centuries is a Ladder. The oldest ladders may have been built from wooden members of something else. But at present there are countless materials used for its fabrication. Similarly type and designs of ladders are countless. For every new requirement or activity a new design or a new type of material is available to fabricate ladders catering to the ultimate safety requirements of its end user.
When electric power became an obedient servant for the comfort of human life; metallic ladders became life hazards. Wooden ladders do have good electrical insulation properties but in rainy season and high humidity areas, their ability to absorb moisture does not favor electrical insulation requirement.
Wood is very porous by nature, which is not true of fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP or GRP). Since there is a bond between the reinforcement and polymer system. FRP can absorb some moisture but it will never absorb as much as wood. That very small amount of moisture is absorbed by FRP by a wicking action at the surface through exposed fibers or at either of the end rails. This moisture will reduce its electrical insulation to some extent in case of micro measurement but not to the extent that is dangerous for human life. This moisture never reduces its mechanical properties. Moisture absorption is not visible in FRP and electrical insulation test DC voltage can confirm its presence.
In case of some confirmation or confusion that a FRP ladder has absorbed considerable moisture, it should be placed either in a re-circulating air heating chamber at 50º C- 75º C for 4 to 8 hours or left in sunshine for 3 to 4 days. Let it remain outdoors in sunny conditions. Following this the ladder should be recoated with some good quality polyurethane paint. Acrylic modified clear polyurethane lacquer has also very good compatibility with fiberglass. Either PU paint is applied or clear lacquer, it should be ultraviolet (UV) stabilized. There are numerous brands of polyurethane coatings available in the market.
This is a Unique Product of Fiberglass, offering a Premium Quality. Highly Reliable
Combination of Safety and Service over the years. The Salient/Exclusive features associated with the product are:
Electrically Insulated Durability
Light Weight Weather Proof
Rust Proof Environmental Friendly
Long Life Easy to Handle
Easy Storage Portable
These Versatile Ladders are available in Sizes of: 3 ft., 4 ft., 6 ft., and 8 ft as A-frame from 16 ft up to 70 ft as Extendable Ladder.
MEGA ENGINEERING SERVUCES also fabricates a lot of electrical insulating materials like Hot sticks, Disconnecting Rods, Bushings etc., for Domestic and Commercial use, a complete High Voltage Testing Laboratory provides facility up to 1,20,000 volts at the moment.
Mechanical Testing Equipment plus a fully computerized testing setup is available for complete simulation in use testing of all sorts of ladders. Aging testing of ladders and hot stick is performed on state of the art equipment.
Each ladder is tested under strict supervision of qualified engineers at 90,000 Volts for each foot for its electrical insulation. Similarly, Mechanical Testing and Qualification Tests are performed as per ANSI for a Ladders for each design. Our EXT-32 Ladder is pre-qualified by WAPDA/PEPCO as per applicable design specifications DD-S-34:87ammended upto date.
MEGA FIBER GLASS Is dedicated to provide State of the Art composites and related products to its Valued Customers. We believe our competitive edge is maintained by our Consistent Premium Quality. Naturally, we keep striving to make improvements in our systems by introducing innovations to our valued workforce!
Ladders are designed and built to meet or exceed the application standards and requirements of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The applicable ANSI Codes for Fiberglass Ladder are ANSIA (A14.5) In addition, ANSI Codes have established a Duty Rating to identify the use of a portable ladder in safe conditions. This listed table describes the various types of ladder:
Heavy Duty
Industrial Capable
Of Supporting
250 lbs Extra Heavy Duty
Industrial Capable
Of Supporting
300 lbs Extra Heavy Duty
Industrial Capable
Of Supporting
375 lbs Medium Duty
Comm. Capable
Of Supporting
225 lbs
Light Duty
Household Capable
Of Supporting
200 lbs
An extensive series of tests and designing requirements determines the Duty Rating for a particular ladder to be lablled with. The total load supported includes the combined weight of the user, clothing, tools and any other material on the ladder. The test’ requirements have been specified with a ‘Safety Factor of Four’ to ensure the ability to meet the Duty Rating. However, ladders must be used properly in ordere to support the intended load.
It must be kept in mind that even a rigidly constructed ladder can be involved in an accident/mishap if proper caustion is not applied. Critical factors in safe use include reading all instructions and labels accompanying the ladder. Such precautionary measures help to avoid accidents and also ensure safety!
ML Extendable Heavy Duty Ladder
A frame Light Duty Ladder
A frame Medium Duty Ladder
A frame Heavy Duty Ladder
A frame Platform Light Duty Type
A frame Platform Medium Duty Type
A frame Platform Heavy Duty Type
A frame Heavy Duty ladder both side step
Hook Ladder Heavy Duty type
Step Ladder With Extension Ladder
Monkey/Hoop Ladder (Industrial utility) length Upto 70 feet
length Upto 12 feet
length Upto 12 feet
length Upto 16 feet
length Upto 12 feet
length Upto 12 feet
length Upto 16 feet
length Upto 16 feet
length Upto 40 feet
length Upto 24 feet
Unlimited in segmented
MES ladders in standard (STD) version are fabricated in yellow color of FRP profile and all metal parts in their respective natural colour. To meet the requirement of color and shade conscious people. Deluxe (DLX) and deluxe-extra (DLX-EX) are fabricated on special order. DLX Deluxe version of ladders has powder coated in matching color metallic parts. Its price is slightly on higher side as compared to standard (STD) version.
Delux-Exera (DLX-EX). This version is with extreme beauty. All metallic parts of ladder are powder coated and matching colored FRP side rails of ladder are recoated in matching PU paint for extra beauty in same matching color Key to Nomenclature: Prefix alphabets describe series and type of ladder, and then digits indicate length of ladder after words alphabets describe version of ladder e.g. EXT 32 DLX type 1A indicates 32 feet extendable ladder of type heavy duty to take load 300lbs and deluxe version that means rungs are powder coated in same colour as its FRP channel.
Note: MES facilitates its customers to meet their specific requirements, especially in industry. Its in-house Design and Development Division associates with end users to design and develop specialized Ladders. FRP ladder for their highly corrosive areas.