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Aluminium PCB, LED PCB supplier -- Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

$ 2.00$ 1.00
Catégorie:Electronics > Circuit Components > Circuit Prototyping > Development Boards
Numéro de modèle:008
Disponibilité:In Stock

Spécifications du produit

Brand Hitechpcba
Dimension 96*88mm
Warranty Material
Weight 1

A propos du produit

Aluminum LED PCB substrate is a metal - based copper-clad sheet with good heat dissipation. A single panel is generally composed of three layers of structure, namely the circuit layer (copper foil), insulation layer and metal base layer. It is commonly found in LED lighting products. There are two sides, the white side is used to weld the LED pins, and the other side is the natural color of aluminum, which is usually coated with heat-conducting gel and then in contact with the heat-conducting part. Among all metal core PCBS, Aluminum LED PCB is the most common type. The base material consists of an aluminum core and standard FR4. It features a thermal cladding that dissipates heat in an efficient manner while cooling components and improving the overall performance of the product. Currently, aluminum-backed PCBS are considered solutions for high power and tight tolerance applications.

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